Saturday, November 14, 2009


And a very unexpected one too!! We were told that Thursday was declared a government holiday. Alandi yatra. I don't even know why that is a government holiday this year, when there was nothing last year. Any way, point is, Thursday was declared a holiday.
To my utter delight, and the absolute disgust of about 200 other people in college, a low-pressure zone built up in the Arabian Sea. Result: Heavy ( and I mean H-E-A-V-Y) rains, searing winds and dark dreary skies paid homage to the beautiful and warm state of Maharashtra. I remember talking about how much I missed USA, in my last post. And, as if my prayers had been heard, I got New York's climate down here!! Dark clouds, sun hidden behind their thick coat, cold air hitting you in the face as you travel by rickshaw every morning, and rain!!! The feeling of 9pm at 5 pm......I'm telling you, this week has done away with everything called stress and tiredness of last week's.
So, because of the incessant and heavy unseasonal rainfall that we had, the basement of BJ got flooded (as it normally does. But, you wouldn't expect floods in November, would you?), and the PSM department had to cancel our practicals on Wednesday. I decided to attend the Pathology practicals with the other batch. And then decided to bunk Thursday. Of course, at that point, the holiday had been shifted by our college from Thursday to Friday. So, basically, I've got a four day break!! Hurray!!! It is amazing! I already feel all the fatigue ebbing away.
Not that I haven't given myself work to do. I've got Medicine to complete ( rather, START), and I've landed up with one of my favourite things to do: Prepare a presentation!! This one is an Inter-Departmental Seminar on Thyroid Gland. Department of first-year are involved, and I'm doing the Physiology aspect of the gland. It is going to be so much of FUN!! Putting together a presentation on something I loved from last year, is definitely alluring.
And, I started with Immunity in Pathology. Robbins' rocks!! I know it is very long, that chapter, but, it is enjoyable at the same time!!
And, lastly, the weather has returned to normal again. The sun has come out in the open, and yes, the afternoons are again pretty hot as usual. BUT, the past week was one of the best of this year's. I know a lot of damage was done, lot of fishermen are still missing, the winter crops have taken a beating, and lot more.....yet, personally, I probably did need something of this sort to help me pull myself out of the slumber I was in the danger of slipping into.

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