Friday, May 21, 2010

My Brother BEST!!!!!

Rutwik, my younger brother, has made me the proudest and happiest sister ever!! His Std. 10 ICSE Board Exam results were declared on Wednesday (19th May), and he has topped the guys in the City with 97%!! He has got amazing marks and has finished with the highest marks in five out of seven subjects in his school. He got 100/100 in Social Studies and in Environmental Studies.
I am just so, so, so proud of him. Feel like screaming out the entire world that he has topped in the entire city. When my results were declared four years back, I had come 2nd in the city and had also beaten the Boys' Topper. At that time, it had felt awesome too. This time, with my brother appearing, I was hoping he'd manage to be the Boys' Topper. And he is!! Anything less than this would definitely have hurt a bit. he has gotten the highest honour (to call it so) there can be in this city.
His photos have been splashed in newspapers and today, my mom stands as the proud mother of two ICSE toppers with pictures in the newspapers with both of them :-) She obviously feels elated and extremely proud of my brother. But, I am completely over the moon. Hell, I'd never known what my brother felt when he heard about my results. I always wondered whether his happiness had matched mine. Today, I know what it feels like. And, we may not show it as much as the actually rank-holder, but our happiness can even go beyond their's!!
I've always felt and known that Rutwik was definitely the more talented of the two if us, and more intelligent too. If there was any one in the family who could have beaten the 96% I'd set 4 years back, it had to be him. He's meant for so many greater things than this, but I wanted this to be a start. And for all the crazy, sporty things he has ended up doing for last 10 years in his school (including all the complaints from teachers), he deserves this more than anything else. The guy is an absolute genius! And I want him to come to B.J. Medical College, but if there is anything, simply, ANYTHING, that can provide him with medical education better than that, I want him to go for it. Because he deserves every single bit of it.
As an elder sister, it has always been my responsibilty to take care of him, and to love him. It would pain so bad to see talent like him wasting away in the dirt of the playground in school. I would wish so many times that he understood what he really possessed. Today, I feel I don't have that responsibilty any more; because my brother has grown up, he has become mature and understands what he wants; because, he knows what he needs to do to get it; because he will do everything in his power and beyond to get it; because he is a winner with that killer-instinct, and knows it.
I am so proud to have a family like mine. My mother and uncles have been rank-holders too. My cousin has got almost every scholarship there is to get, and currently is working like a madman to get onto the Indian team for the Mathematics Olympiad later this year. Among the youngest cousins of mine, the elder of the tiny-tots is busy winning prizes and certificates for projects that even my Uncle has a hard time understanding! Oh God, I feel so so lucky. I love my family and I hope this streak of winners never runs out. I want us to become great people and make our parents and grandparents proud. I want us to be able to change the world in our way. And, I want my brother to keep working hard and weaving the magic that he has got hold of now. Thank you for everything bro!! You are simply the BEST :-)        

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