Monday, August 6, 2012

Outside My Comfort Zone

A moment of personal victory for me was to receive an E-mail from the Moving Academy of Medicine and Biomedicine telling me that I had been selected among the 40 people from all over India to attend a Foundation Workshop of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine Research. When I initially sent my ICMR proposal to them, I did not expect to get through. It was a wonderful feeling to see that e-mail and know that I had a marvelous experience coming up in the next month. My only regret is that I won't be able to spend my birthday with the people closest to me. However, the way I'll spend my birthday this year sounds pretty great too :-))
On Saturday (4th August), members of Medical and Educational Perspective, a non-profit organisation looking to come up with low-cost innovative equipment to better the health situation in India and other developing countries, visited BJ. We interacted with them and what struck me most was that they were so seriously concerned with wanting to do something to improve Medical Science and Healthcare. There were medical students, MD students, PhD students and Bio-Medical Engineering students too...all with a common goal. It made me ask myself why I, as a budding doctor in India, should not be as concerned about the situation here and strive to do something about it.
Talking to them, I realised how differently we are brought up by the educational system in India. You are moulded to run in a particular direction. Yes, at times you may deviate a little and do something outstanding. But, ultimately, you are pushed onto that straight path with a pre-decided goal. These guys, instead, are forced to think differently and originally. They are forced to use their heads, heart and creativity and imagination. They are forced to take that path which deviates outside of normal and stay is so refreshing!! I was delighted that I managed to interact with them. I was disappointed at the same time, because due to our poor timing (what with it being Final year and prelims coming up), I won't be able to really be a part of the project that they want to undertake here in India..ah well, maybe soon enough...
My Ethics Committee saga may come to an end...I'm not sure yet. I'll need an entire post to describe it. I'm just going to say that if there were ever a bunch of idiots with egos as huge as Jupiter, they were all hand-picked from the various parts of the world they lived in, and placed in BJ Medical College as the Ethics Committee.    

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