Saturday, January 10, 2009

Exam Time - 3 : The Lessons Learnt

That's the end of it all. A nightmare, a bad dream, a lesson in life, a lesson of life, an experience, a treat, a premier college event.....whatever you'd like to call it. fact is, its all over, and I couldn't thank my stars enough for putting me into Batch C. We finished our practicals first. Batch E started theirs yesterday. So now we have a five day break, and it really couldn't come at a better time.
So how was Anatomy yesterday? Well, it wasn't good, in fact, if there's one paper I know I'm definitely failing in, its Anatomy. When both your paper and practical suck the way these did, well, there's no option but to smile and sigh and say, " Well, I really couldn't help that!" Yesterday was nightmare Anatomy relived, actually. Afetr having studied so hard for Embryology, I went blank. B-L-A-N-K blank. Never in my life have I gone blank in a viva. I get nervous and really cold and pitch-white, but I DON'T go BLANK! Guess, the teacher was sorry for me too. She really tried to put me at ease, talking about my braces and how long my treatment has been going on and all, but all to no avail. I couldn't hide my head enough in embarrassment.
Bones were better, but not as good as I wanted them to be. Thats all I really want to say. I don't know how I lived through it all. And the soft parts were a 50-50. They weren't great, but they weren't all bad. I did answer some things.
So, I wasn't all happy ( as I'd predicted before yesterday) at the end of my practicals. After all, there've been lessons learnt and they haven't exactly been sweet ones. So what have I learnt? Its very simple.
1. STUDY and study regularly and from the beginning.
2. Learn every practical once you finish it, and not a week before the exams. Or, as in my terms' caase, one evening before the exam.
3. I hate Anatomy. There's no doubt. I can't even think of thinking about imagining organs and where they're situated. But, that doesn't mean I don't do it. It means I take more time for it, at least this year, to score in the University.
4. I was always weak at Anat and its time I accepted that fact and worked towards beating it. Thats what all my idols have done with themselves, right? I should learn something from them.
5. Whenever you study, study forever. I mean, study it all in such a way that you could think about remembering it forever. If you can't even think of doing it, the first time you've learnt something up, you're just not up there actually.
6. Discuss with Dad. He's your best bet to sail through in Anatomy.
7. And finally, do NOT cramp up everything in your evening or day before the exam. Thats how much your preparation should be.
8. Do your bones everyday. One bone everyday.
9. Do your reactions every day. Biochem would have been much better if you'd finished your cycles before and given more time to the theory, a week before the exams.
10. Be regular. Even if you have to sit up till 12 am every day, just to finish the work of the day. Don't leave anything for the weekend which comes up next.
11. Weekends are to enjoy. To revise whatever you've done in the week, an old chapter or two. And then ENJOY. You're given a break. Use it the way it should be.
12. And lastly, stick to all that you've just written, my dear girl. It'll help to sail through the exams.
They look pretty ideal rules, but I have to follow them. There's no other way for me. I don't want the embarrassment of having to repeat a term. So I'm gonna start from today itself.
Looking forward to enjoying my break. Thank God, the exams are over. I almost know my result, so it couldn't come as a shock to me in any way. Looking forward to some easy relaxed times!!!

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