Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Week In Winter

The past week has been just fine. I've finally opened my eyes, and am studying. Regularly. This in itself is an improvement. So I'm pretty happy with myself and the way I've taken things. It eats into my sleep, but I guess, the final outcome should be worth it.
From this week onwards, we have dissection from 11 to 1 in the morning and pracs from 3 to 5 in the afternoon. It isn't a pleasant event to look forward to. Imagine, having to eat your lunch, after finishing dissection. And that means, our break will be an hour only. Usually, if the practicals get over early, we get a longer break. Thats not going to be the case now. So, all that reading up Anatomy in the break and stuff will stop, and we'll be a little less prepared for it all.
It isn't as bad as it sounds. There are things to look forward to. When our practicals get over earlier, we'll be going home early. It won't make much of a difference for me, as such. Most of the times, I wait for one of my parents to pick me up, so I guess, I'll just hang out in the library.
We've started with the examination of the eye in the physiology practicals. It's interesting, and much better than the Examination of abdomen, where, there is really no observation as such. You can only feel the organs, when they are enlarged. You can only hear the vibration when there is fluid in the peritonneal cavity. You can only see the tonsils in the oral examination, when they are enlarged. We had " Normal" written in every column of examination in our journals.
We have a long weekend. Really, looking forward to three days at home.

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