Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Holiday Extended

Because the city probably wants to ensure a further preventive atmosphere for the spread of Swine Flu, our forced vacations have been extended upto the 23rd. Frankly, I love holidays. Can't ever have enough of them. But, now, I'm actually sick of them all. I hate myself for saying and feeling so. But, I can't even call that wrong, because its all just so BORING. I wish I could meet up with friends, go watch movies, at least get out of the house for fun. But, multiplexes are closed till the same date, and none of my friends are here.
Well, I know I'll be saying the opposite stuff once college starts. But, it is irritating to have time on your hands. It makes you think too much about some of the stupidest things on earth, which actually wouldn't even affect your life in any way. But, thinking about it all, does let it all affect you. And maybe, thats why I can't describe to any one, the feeling of sadness ( trust me, I've tried to come up something else for the 'sadness', but its the only word for what I feel), I tend to have when I sit alone in my room for sometime.
I'm giving my driving test on Thursday. Wish me best of luck. I really want to pass and get my permanent licence!!!

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