Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hmm, First Day Revisited

So a year back, today, I put my first foot into BJ, on my first day. To be truthful, I was shit scared, dead nervous and halleluva worried about going there, a college filled with seniors ( read: authority to rag), meeting about 190 new faces, and ( as I'm accustomed to do) judge a lot of the new people I saw, deciding who to mix with and who not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not very biased or snobbish or arrogant or anything. But, a little bit of it is there in every individual, and I am quite frank about what I think. So, yes, I do tend to be judgemental, and get biased against a person if he squashes his first chance.
It is one of my primary shortcomings, I think. Something that forces me to take time to open up to people and mix around. But, hey, this entry isn't about my character study. Its about my first day.
I didn't go to college today. I probably should have, with the importance of this day and blah, blah, blah.... I just didn't want to. So I have missed out on my first look at the Juniors ( I'm finally a Senior!!!! Its relieving. I can actually look around and talk about people younger to me.).
And it is some look, that. Of course, knowing us ( me and my group of friends), we probably won't go around hunting for a group of 'localite' first years, ready to give our lecture on life in BJ. At least, the girls won't. And I already know some of them, so if they need anything, they'll just hunt me down ( not that we need to hunt people down. Just wait in the Lobby, and you'll have familiar faces walking around you.).
You know, my first day in BJ was BORING. Nothing happened, really.....and reading my entry of 1st August, 2008, I didn't feel very excited either. So, lets hope that these people have a better first day, and don't come to hate us, like we hate some of our immediate seniors.
Best of Luck guys, I'm sure BJ is going to be as great a home to you as it has been to me, in the past one year. :-)

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