Thursday, July 30, 2009

FNAC, An Unexpected Meeting, Badminton, Vedant

So as the title would prove it, I have a LOT of things to talk about. Lets get started then.
Firstly, today, the wards weren't bad. We were given a case of pseudopancreatic cyst, for history-taking. I am dead sure we made quite a mess out of it. And, the patient was irritated too. So, umm, can I please call upon somebody to help us out? Just a brief idea about how exactly we go about talking to a patient. It definitely looked weird and terribly layman, what we were doing. We hardly looked doctors. Especially the haphazard way in which we were going about doing the history.
But, we did manage to get some idea of it all, and sat in a side-room to write it all down properly, where the JR ( Junior Resident ), Dr. Sharad, asked us whether we wanted to watch an FNAC ( Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology ) being taken. Before that, he gave me some forms to fill. Obviously, clerk-work. But, its nice to feel important and helps in making a good impression in the long run. FNAC is a procedure carried out to investigate any lump for a malignant tumour ( cancer ). A very fine needle is pierced into the lump and then the lump is aspirated, onto two slides. This is then taken to the Laboratory for primary investigations. Actually speaking, I'm not very disturbed by the needles now. I am, but not as much as I was about two months back. And thats an improvement. The patient in question had a lump in the neck. We did something worth mentioning today. So, I'm quite happy.
Plus, tomorrow, we're going to the Operation Theatre, and hopefully, will get a chance to watch some good surgeries. Of course, the greatness depends upon the skill of the doctor involved. I'm praying that there is no doubt on that part.
Moving on, we were to have a meeting for the Vedant that we have organise this year, later today. So we had some time on our hands. I and another friend decided we'd accompany Shreya and Lubhna to the badminton court where they wanted to play. I managed a few shots myself. Of course, I'm not tournament material, never was. However, I haven't held a racquet in almost 5 years. So giving that push to each shot I played was invigorating. At least, I know I can get better if I want to give it a try. Felt great. Add on the eraser-throwing session we had before playing the game to get some shuttle-cocks down, was fun too!!
The meeting for Vedant was okay. We have a core committee now, and maybe that will help us a bit. As I have mentioned last year, the Vedant is an inter-collegiate event organised by the II/I batch of students of BJ. Because it is held around Ganesh-Chaturthi, is is named after one of the names given to Lord Ganesha : Vedant. We want to make this event better than it was last year, so it will require maximum efforts and dedication from our side, especially the localites, because we are supposed to know this city better than anybody else in college. Ah, well, we'll see about it. I'm going to enjoy it, I guess.
And finally, it isn't every day that you meet one of your ex-teachers and well, just have two words. I met my 8th Std Maths teacher today. She was the one who made me love Maths like crazy after a dreadful experience with the subject in Std 7. In fact, whatever small amount of love I still feel for the subject, I owe it to her. I'd never have started liking it if she hadn't been there in the first place. I thank God for two amazing Maths teachers in my last three years of school. That's the only thing that prevented me from positively loathing the subject in the 12th, when everything decided to go wrong.
Mrs. Chandy ( my teacher ) didn't exactly remember me. But, she did recognise me as a Maryite, and when I told her my name, she did vaguely remember me. Thats all I need. Just enough to know that somewhere deep down, I am remembered as one of her students. I felt blessed today. I really did. Going face-to-face with the people who created the person that stands in my shoes today, is always humbling. Not to mention, feeling like a small girl again, when they look into your eyes with the same loving and forbearing care. Needless to say, I love the feeling.
Well, today was eventful. And nicely so. Awaiting tomorrow, here's where I sign off.....Good Night!!!

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