Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lavasa: An Experience of its Own Kind

I've been having quite a few road-trips ( you may call them that). But that really ends today ( so it is just two road-trips in three days).
This time we went to a place named Lavasa, near Dasve district. It is still in the process of development, and is said to be a future Indian-Paris. The people concerned with its infrastructure have really toiled to make it one of the most beautiful places I've been to yet ( and it isn't even complete). It is located at quite a height, so the rain pelted down with more force than it would in the city located much lower. The rain and the descending clouds completed a very pretty picture made by the green hills and the many large and small waterfalls we encountered, as we drove through this yet-to-dazzle county.
The cold air that blew the plants planted along the roads and hotels, and the ripples made in the waters in the fountains and the Lavasa reservoir ( although I wish that water hadn't been muddy.....but then, there is a certain beauty in the natural colour, and you can't expect clean snow-white water during the monsoons, especially in a lake that isn't completely artificial), enhanced the beauty.
I've always been a nature-person. For me, there is nothing more exciting and beautiful than Nature at its full bloom, the trees swaying to the rhythm of a fast wind, water flowing along that very rhythm, waterfalls streaming down in various directions and varying speeds, and , the icing in the cake, the clouds descending down to create an unearthly atmosphere. I got the very things I was looking for, right here, and I couldn't have had a more enjoyable trip.
Lavasa isn't complete, so I can't wait to get there again and be encaptured and enthralled by its Beauty. And they say, Amby Valley is much prettier than Lavasa. So, if that's true, I'll definitely be looking through dictionaries to find a hundred words powerful enough to portray my feeling at the end of that trip. But, till then, its Lavasa all the way!!
I wanted to have a Nature encounter before I went back to my schedule in college. I'm satisfied I've had one, even if it didn't exactly include trekking. I'm putting in some pictures I took. The ones with the waterfalls were taken through the comfort of a closed car, so there are quite a few rain drops diminishing the beauty of them all. But, then, Beauty lies in the Beholder's eyes, doesn't it?

The Temghar Dam, seen on our way to Lavasa. It is one of the major sources of water for our city.

Another view of the same Dam

The collection of water isn't yet complete. Courtesy late and bad rainfall. But we're getting there, and it will be filled to capacity before long.

A long-shot of the dam

I've selected the pics I liked most, out of the many I took. These waterfalls don't have names, yet they deserve to be raved about!

Courtyard of The Fortune Hotel, well-planned and very pretty during the monsoons.

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