Friday, December 23, 2011

Remember Me??

Yes, it has been a while...a long long 'while'..and no matter how long a post I write, it just won't make up for the time I haven't written anything.
But, today, I got a very special request from a friend of mine. She is my greatest friend in college, and we somehow end up doing the same kind of things. We also like the same kind of things too. She told me yesterday that she was going to start a blog, and read up a few entries from here, today. She messaged me, " Continue writing. Please :-)''
I felt so NICE. Its just the word to describe the feeling. It isn't I-want-to-dance joy, and definitely not i-want-to-scream-to-the-world happiness. Its that calm positive feeling you get when somebody pats you on your shoulder and says, "Good work"...when you look at that beautiful morning and know you're happy to be alive...when that dark starry sky tells you time can stop and you can stare at it :-)
There you go, now i so feel like writing. So many things that I want to write about- college, PSM (it will always have that very 'special place in my life :-p), books I've read, thoughts that keep haunting me in between my study time, friends, life much!!
But, I don't have that kind of time, and I still want to honour my friend's request, so I'll just say a big thank you to 2011.

Dear 2011,
Yes, you haven't been an easy year. As is always the case, you haven't been an easy ride full of smiles. There have been tears- of joy, of sadness, of anger, of hatred. But, you have made me think for myself and given me a treasure-trove of experiences that make me the person that I am today. And, yes, I am a better person than I was a year back.  
Professionally, I did a lot things this year, and I am so proud of having done each and every one of them. They gave me a sense of achievement and a self-confidence in my abilities. I know I haven't been able to match up to my expectations when it came down to studying from the exam point of view. But, I do know that I have enjoyed learning new things this year, and that will always be there for me, wherever and whenever  I need it.
Personally, I still feel like the same person. I think I have grown a little more mature, but I will never ever let the kid in me go away. It is nice when you know that you have this little kid to fall back on, to give you tiny microscopic moments of happiness :-) I think I have grown to control my temper a little. I may still be short-tempered, but the temper doesn't reach the peak it used to. And I have been able to place excellent arguments for my temper, so that means my minds works great even when I'm angry (which is an achievement :-P).
There are times when you have been very harsh, 2011. Times when I didn't know why things were happening the way they were. Times when I wondered what had suddenly gone wrong in the planetary system that I was facing such situations. But, you pulled me out of them. I stand here today, with my back to them. Memories live, but, hey, you did a pretty good job of pulling me out.
Thank you 2011. For being a normal year. For giving me love and hatred...for giving me joy and unhappiness..for making me feel special and small...for giving me success and failure...most importantly, for bringing me closer to some very special people in my life. I don't know what I'll do without you guys are my solid rock - this is to my whole family and all my you guys :-)
You are a dear year to me. I have learnt to appreciate every single moment in my life. And I shall always look back at you and hope that every time you shall say to me, "REMEMBER ME??"


Wow, that sounds like a thank-you speech you get to hear at a life-time achievement award ceremony!! :-P Unlike you, my dear Jill :-)
Any way, this post is obviously dedicated to my friend and her kind request. There you go, girl. You better read this :-)
p.s. It is so nice to feel the desire to write again!! I was starting to feel so lost. After all, words are my strength. Without them, life is meaningless. And its good to be back!! :-) 

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