Sunday, February 5, 2012

Selfish and Self-Centred

4 years of college has brought out the real character of lots of people. That's been the REAL experience of College. I mean, who's going to bother about the time we spent pouring over thick books that most of the time, din't even make sense?! I would personally bother about the people I spent this this time with.
I am not the most perfect person on Earth. But, I am human, and like every Human Being, I have an opinion. Opinions can be right, they can be wrong and they may not even matter...What I really like about Opinions is that they make you feel important; they make you feel confident about yourself. After all, if you didn't even have an opinion, what use would you be to anybody??
So, in my opinion - there are three types of people in my College. On a personal level, I'll classify them as:
1. People I love
2. People I hate
3. People I couldn't care less about
This classification is pretty simple to understand. The first category would include my really close friends, a few not-that-close-but-good friends and a few teachers. These are people I would love spending time with and I know, even after college is over, these are people I would be honored to keep in touch with.
The second category would include people I can't stand being around. These are the typical hypocrits that walk around in college, giving you the smile to your face and making ugly faces behind your back; these are the people who never let you get ahead of them and do everything humanely possible to interfere with your strides; these are also people who look to get into a conversation with you because they want to extract from you, the small piece of info that they need. You think there aren't people like this? You haven't been to college then.
The third category is kind of the biggest, because it would include the people I don't know, know and don't bother to stay in touch and all those who are a part of the things I do, but do not interfere with my work and vice-versa.

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