Sunday, March 4, 2012


Every individual goes through phases of evolution. Be it an animal or human, evolution happens. It might as well be called a synonym to 'Life'.
Evolution is physical (change in the structure of the body), physiological (change in the functions of the many systems inside our body) and mental (change in the thinking). Rather than calling it a 'change', I would like to call it "transformation". This process is so beautiful. Last year, when I visited Pench, I spent most of my time observing the Langoors there. Those little babies would demonstrate newer and more refined antics every day. It enthralled me no end. One day, they would be clinging to their mothers, and the second day, they would try to climb up trees. On the third and the fourth days, I would be witness to their sheer determination to climb that tough bark. On Day 5, they would show off their newly acquired skill, with the happiness flowing through each cell of their bodies :-)
As I grow up, I feel the transformation inside of me. There has obviously been a physical and physiological one. These are aspects I can't control and I don't want to. It is my mental transformation that has caught my attention in last couple of years.
I am not the most outgoing person there is. In fact, in all my answers to the many questions in Personality tests, I reek of introversion and shyness. I don't like being like that. I have a really dynamic Mother. It is an amazing sight to see her in her element. You never think she can do anything wrong, when she's there, in that element. I have always wanted to be like that. However, the perfect daughter that I am, I have inherited the perfect combination of both my parents' attributes - my Father's shyness and the ability to talk to people I know for a LONG time; and my Mother's desire to be outgoing and managing a bit of it, and her love for presentation and stage.
Over the past few years, I've seen myself open up a little and participate more in things happening around me in college. Even as an audience, I have become more receptive and critical, analysing what has been told to me. I feel proud of myself  for this transformation. I don't feel all that nervous about coming to the front. I know I have a right to do what I want and to ask questions if I need to.
I can feel the evolution inside of me. Knowing the kind of a person I was, I know I shall never reach that other end of the spectrum. However, the slight progress I have made, makes me hopeful that this Evolution is here to stay :-)

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