Monday, June 30, 2008

Thank God!

Its over!!!!.....I found the admit card...Strangely enough, it never left the car after we took it to get my scorecard. I had put it in the compartment near the front seat, and when I closed it, the card slipped into a gap behind the compartment. So the next time when I opened it and looked around, I didn't see it all and thought that I had taken it. My mom checked the car thrice, but nobody thought of looking behind the compartment.
Yesterday, when we were driving to a get-together, mom just asked me to look around and I noticed the gap. Thank goodness, I'm as thin as I am, 'coz its only because of that, that my hand went in and then came out safely with the card. Seriously, its a relief. Imagine saying, my admission went because I didn't have my admit card.....!
The atmosphere's back to what it was before and I had the most amazing sleep last night after a day of eating way too much!!!
Looking forward to my counselling, after the nerve-wracking cleaning of the house for the last two days. At least it will bring a moment of relief!! And I still have my options!!!!!

I feel like an angel again:-)

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