Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wow, Thats Pretty Unlike Me

Taking on a Biochem Seminar to work for and then a street play to work in is quite unlike me, you know. Especially when that means that two hours of my everyday routine will be gone and exams start in the first week on Jan. But there's another voice in my head which says: College-life is there to enjoy. You didn't exactly do that in Junior College, why don't you do it now?
And my point is, doing all this will just help me. Having 6 friends is not enough, especially in college. Participating in these things is gonna help me get to know more people and in turn, evolve me as a person. Besides, I've always wanted to participate in plays. Its another thing that a street play is way out of my comfort zone, and not exactly my style either, but then thats what Life is, isn't it? Getting out of what you do well to do something you've never tried out before and give it a shot. Its makes you feel adventurous and spices up life a little. Otherwise, what was my life before this? get up in the morning, get ready , take the 8 o'clock bus and reach college. Then, spend the entire day in college cursing the lectures, getting bored of practicals and looking forward to a frustrating 3 hrs of dissection hall. Come back home at 5:30 pm and then study for about two hours or so, write my blog, go off to sleep. Thats it: Day Over, before you even know it.
Now at least I have some things to look forward to, to make college a better place to go to. Ahh well, lets see how things go. The topic is Effects Of AIDS. We've gotten a few themes down, today we'll be doing some more mind-searching for creativity. The auditions were supposed to be yesterday, but that didn't happen. And may be it'll happen today, or maybe it won't. Just don't know.
Apart from that, college is the same. We've started with the clinical pracs in Physiology, so its definitely a little more interesting to check each other's pulse and Blood Pressure. All my parameters are normal, so there's nothing to worry about in that department any way. We had an interesting lecture on Synapse yesterday. I actually read it from Guyton before sitting to write my blog. Still got some pages left, but the fact that I read it on the day when she taught it, is definitely a thumbs-up for the lecturer and the topic.
And a last minute note about the Spanish Sports year. They just seem to want to add on more and more and more. Being an avid follower of Tennis and a loyal fan of Rafael Nadal, I did not believe Spain could win the Davis Cup. But their rally to come back into the game was very inspirational, and awe-inspiring, really. Congrats to spanish sports. Its been a heavenly year for them, and something that all other countried should look up to and try to gain.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Weekend

My first since coming back, and I feel so great about it. Medical education is really stressing. And thats not about how much you have to study, but just about the going to college, listening to the lectures, doing your practicals, going into the dissection hall; you hardly get any time to sit down and think. So a good holiday on Saturday and Sunday really rejuvenates me.
We're gonna have a Biochemistry Seminar on the 20th of December. On the topic of Enzymes. I decided to participate. Its Chemistry after all, and I have a good feeling that I can make it all more interesting than our teachers in college, so I decided to have a go at it. My topic is Clinical Aspects of Enzymes or Uses of Enzymes. I think it'll be a very interesting topic to speak on, and I'll learn a lot too. Luckily for me, I had a choice and I was the first person to give my name from my batch, so it all really worked out well. Now all I have to do is work hard on it. And since I'm pretty excited about it, I think I'll do well.
Moving on, I also registered for the Arts' Circle. I dunno how much there is for juniors in it, but I've given my name and that means I'll at least be notified about it. So actually, I've managed to do all that I had to DO as such in college. I'm glad. I was able to take off this weekend without the thoughts of the left-overs......Now its time for enzymes to make way into my small head and then their uses. Go Enzymes!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Held Spleens!!!!

Not today. Yesterday. We had histology today. Yesterday, having seen our batch teacher, Uddhav Sir, complete the removal of the spleen, I was somewhat excited. It looked really clean and hygienic. So I thought " Why not try it out finally?" And I did.
Its a hard organ somewhat, the spleen. But the ends are soft, thats what Ekta and I noticed, after having held over 5 other spleens in our hands. And they vary. In size, in shape, in weight, in everything. In some, the vessels can be easily identified, in some they can't be. Rather, in most, they can't be. We had just one spleen in which we could actually identify the hilum parts properly. So it was interesting yesterday, for a change.
Physiology pracs have now the clinical pracs. We finished with the pulse, and all peripheral places where you can note the pulse. Needless to say, I got all of them in me. Sometimes you do have advantages of being thin. Its Blood pressure next, on Monday.
Today was fine. Just looking forward to the weekend. One more day and then a two day break. Really need it. So here's to a saturday which will come in one more day's time!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A No-Cadavers' Day

Yeah. Going back to college is tough. Gotta catch up on a lot and everything, but seriously, today was amazing! Worth the three days I spent, before today in college. We just had one and half lectures owing to BAMS exams and our college being a centre. And then, when we went into the dissection hall, there were torsos on the tables. Thats what they are, by the way, torsos.
Our batch teacher told us, that today was a reading and learning session so thats what we did. It was fun, to sit and read without having to look at the table and wonder what you are doing next to a dead body in the state that it is.
So it has been a good day. I'm finally studying really hard and am liking it. Just need to increase the blocks of time. One more day gone, another one to come!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back To College

I've had a lot of time to rethink my life, and I think that's what's best about a holiday. You go to a place away from your regular life, and think. For me it was less about thinking and more of running around but thats what travelling stands for to my family. Basically, I needed this. To ponder on some things that have been plaguing me since my CET got over in May, I even got a few answers. It is quite something, that a change of scene can do so much. It seems ages since I attended college, and obviously thats not a prospect to look forward to. But my point is, that now I look at college from a different perspective, and that sort of makes it all more tolerable.
Of course, the climate's sickening. After having endured the cold, cutting winds of NY and Buffalo, coming back here to a warmer climate was one of the worst realities. I hate warmth, and after 18 days of shivering and clinging to sweaters, I now can't exactly heave a sigh of relief. Its strange, but my body just adapts to cold better than it does to warmth.
Coming back just makes me realise how much of a break it was. I didn't know what was happening around here, wasn't in touch with the news, the film reviews, the cricket, the football, and it felt good. Today, its almost like coming back to a new place because of whatever I've missed out on. guess you need that sometimes!
Jetlagged a bit, but not as much as I expected. Thanfully we have a holiday today for Gurunank Jayanti. I couldn't have brought myself up to the task of going to college early in the morning. But its college time, and I gues I should get ready now.