Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Weekend

My first since coming back, and I feel so great about it. Medical education is really stressing. And thats not about how much you have to study, but just about the going to college, listening to the lectures, doing your practicals, going into the dissection hall; you hardly get any time to sit down and think. So a good holiday on Saturday and Sunday really rejuvenates me.
We're gonna have a Biochemistry Seminar on the 20th of December. On the topic of Enzymes. I decided to participate. Its Chemistry after all, and I have a good feeling that I can make it all more interesting than our teachers in college, so I decided to have a go at it. My topic is Clinical Aspects of Enzymes or Uses of Enzymes. I think it'll be a very interesting topic to speak on, and I'll learn a lot too. Luckily for me, I had a choice and I was the first person to give my name from my batch, so it all really worked out well. Now all I have to do is work hard on it. And since I'm pretty excited about it, I think I'll do well.
Moving on, I also registered for the Arts' Circle. I dunno how much there is for juniors in it, but I've given my name and that means I'll at least be notified about it. So actually, I've managed to do all that I had to DO as such in college. I'm glad. I was able to take off this weekend without the thoughts of the left-overs......Now its time for enzymes to make way into my small head and then their uses. Go Enzymes!!

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