Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back To College

I've had a lot of time to rethink my life, and I think that's what's best about a holiday. You go to a place away from your regular life, and think. For me it was less about thinking and more of running around but thats what travelling stands for to my family. Basically, I needed this. To ponder on some things that have been plaguing me since my CET got over in May, I even got a few answers. It is quite something, that a change of scene can do so much. It seems ages since I attended college, and obviously thats not a prospect to look forward to. But my point is, that now I look at college from a different perspective, and that sort of makes it all more tolerable.
Of course, the climate's sickening. After having endured the cold, cutting winds of NY and Buffalo, coming back here to a warmer climate was one of the worst realities. I hate warmth, and after 18 days of shivering and clinging to sweaters, I now can't exactly heave a sigh of relief. Its strange, but my body just adapts to cold better than it does to warmth.
Coming back just makes me realise how much of a break it was. I didn't know what was happening around here, wasn't in touch with the news, the film reviews, the cricket, the football, and it felt good. Today, its almost like coming back to a new place because of whatever I've missed out on. guess you need that sometimes!
Jetlagged a bit, but not as much as I expected. Thanfully we have a holiday today for Gurunank Jayanti. I couldn't have brought myself up to the task of going to college early in the morning. But its college time, and I gues I should get ready now.

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