Sunday, October 4, 2009


Every person strives to achieve that 100/100. In all spheres of life. 100/100 is perfection, it is the ultimate dream, and to some ( like in college), it is a dream that never bothers to come true. Here, in BJ, students attending a 100% are considered mad, insane, eccentric... whatever you may want to pick out. They are not considered 'Normal'.
And so, all these terms are being applied to me. Because, I have managed to garner a 100% attendance in both lectures and practicals in Pharmacology. It actually isn't a big deal. But, I am the ONLY person in a batch of 170 students having these credentials, so, yes, I have every right to feel proud of myself for it. This wasn't intentional. Its just that, I love 2nd year so much, its hard to stay at home, knowing that I have a lecture to attend. Add on the opportunity to drive the car whenever I have an 8 am lecture.....well, who said incentives don't work??
So the result is that I have a perfectly clean sheet, and now, I intentionally want to keep it so. I don't know how long I'll be able to do that, but its worth a try, right? So, keep trying guys...... :-)

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