Saturday, October 24, 2009

End Of Holidays

It is the second-last day of the Diwali Holidays, and I really look forward to going back to the routine of college-life. The break from college has been good. I managed to complete most of my journal-work, and I look forward to getting them corrected ( and, maybe a few comments of " Nice drawing!!" ;-)) ).
We had the election last week, when I voted for the first time. I haven't received my Voters' ID yet, but, my name being in the list, I was able to exercise the right to vote. It was interesting, although had I gone a little earlier, I wouldn't have had to wait for as long as I did. It took about an hour to complete the entire procedure.
The results came out day before yesterday, with Congress-NCP being the ultimate winners by quite a margin. Not just in Maharashtra, but also in the other two states where the Vidhan Sabha elections were held. The final decision of Chief Minister will be made in a few days time. Till then, we the public, have the reactions of BJP and Shivsena to entertain us. It hasn't been a good year for BJP, with both Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections not going their way.
Among all these proceedings, MNS has had a vital role to play. The ultimate result did show that all the glamour and media surrounding them did have its effect. They grabbed 13 seats.
I'm just really interested because I voted. But, since Politics isn't a strength of mine, I'll stop here..

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