Saturday, October 31, 2009

Students' Council - 2009

I have left out one of the most interesting events of 2nd year. And the event is the formation of the new Students' Council. There are the following posts:
1. General Secretary (GS)
2. Joint Secretary (JS)
3. Cultural Secretary (CS)
4. Sports' Secretary (SS)
5. Ladies' Representative (LR)
This year two new posts have been added. One is of the Academic Secretary (AS) and another of the Magazine Secretary (MS). The latter has come into being, because the BJ magazine has been re-introduced. The magazine used to be published every year during my parents' time. But, due to financial constraints, it had to discontinued. Last year, the Students' Council decided to publish it again, and so, now we have a post and funding from the college for the same.
Now, each of these Secretaries has to form a committee of their own, and there is also a general committee. And, we hope that the Council will help improve the college; more than the previous years.
Of course, at a time like this, internal politics play a very important role. In fact, the change is seen in some of the most unexpected people. Luckily, there are no elections as such. The system of voting for the best guy, with all the campaigning and all was discontinued a long time back. Now, a group of our Professors, including Dean and Dep. Dean, interview the candidates, and accordingly choose the best. This year, there wasn't much to choose from, as almost all the posts had one claimer each to start with. All, except the ones of GS and SS. Mostly, people interested decide amongst themselves before submitting the applications, to prevent any bad blood in between themselves. Well, college is college after all, politics included.
Moving into the academic part of college, Microbiology hasn't yet started with their schedule. Pathology started yesterday ( although the practicals were held before that). The one department that never seems to take a holiday is the Pharmocology department. They are always the first people to start. So, we've started with lectures and practicals, and we even finished a tutorial yesterday on "Pharmacotherapy of Cough". Nice.....also because I'd prepared it pretty well.
Well, I guess thats it. The Medicine postings are turning out to be rather boring. We take a case, and then nobody has the time to take a lecture on the same. But, the situation is definitely better that what we had in Surgery. So, thank God!! We've got a 3 day break and I hope to start studying from the point of view of the terminals coming up in December. And, I WILL make progress here. I swear to myself.

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