Monday, October 18, 2010

Time to waste: I'd have asked for it!!

It is a said thing, and definitely an understood one, that the week following the end of exams is supposed to be a 'chilled-out' week; one that involves no textbooks, no 2 a.m. mornings, no racing hearts and a free, escapade kind of a feeling. It is also understood that when the week follows the end of Prelims, we are not going to get any of the above mentioned gifts. Instead, we are going to be handed numerous other ways which will help us understand the meaning of "WASTE of time".
I wish these people could step into our shoes for a moment and experience what we experience when time just seems to vanish in front of our eyes, and we do nothing!
The most cruel Department in terms of time, is our dear, dear Forensic Medicine Department. I understand that they are short-staffed, and that there is a lot of work they have to do. But, if that is the case, then they might as well, complete the entire work and then call us to the Department, right? But, it seems like they are hell-bent on teaching us the true value of wastage. We were called, first at 10:30 am in the morning for paper-signing. I din't go, because it is my experience that things never really happen in the Department. As expected, they announced that papers would be corrected by 3 pm and that we should assemble at that time.
With an increasing feeling of reservation about the entire set-up, I decided I'd go any way. And we were made to sit there, in that Lecture hall, from 3 pm to 7:30pm, doing absolutely NOTHING! Each time, we made plans to go home, we were told that the signing would start in hr hour. It was so frustrating! They could easily have taken one person's cell phone number and then contacted him, when it was all done. It would have saved us a lot of agony and hatred towards that department.
My entire week has been like this. Only the Pharmacology Department has been a little time-savvy.
All I want to say is, if I really had wanted to waste time in this way, I'd have asked for it. But, now, here I am, with wasted time, and the regret that it wasn't even wasted well! I know Government institutions are mismanaged, but I guess the optimistic heart never fails to keep hoping!!...(sigh...)        

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