Friday, October 29, 2010

The Pathology of Boredom

I wish for a lot of things. Always. Right now, however, I only wish I could make my life a little more interesting. A lot more interesting. There's absolutely nothing to look forward to when I wake up every morning. Except for a day filled with hours of studying and half hour breaks. Even my PLs last year weren't so boring. I guess, this time it is the combination of a lot of PLs and the same old chapters to be done all over again.
I fear I might not be able to do my best when Exams finally arrive (it doesn't seem like 'finally' though. Two weeks down the line, I'll be talking about how there's hardly any time left!!). I feel I'm not really putting an effort right now and that is going to hamper my prospects. In the race to finish and stick to my time table, I think I'm going to end up not doing  lot of things properly.
I gotta get back to studying now actually. Next time, I am going to write a bigger post. :-)

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