Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year Rings In

Happy New Year to one and all!!!
2011 brings in a lot of new ideas, new choices, new opportunities and another lease of a beautiful, beautiful life! I wish every person gets to walk the path he wants to, and be the person he wants to be, and make a difference to the world in his own special way.
I have also decided that 2011 onwards, my blog isn't just going to be a report of my life as a medical student. It'll be my take on everything that I experience in life; as a student and as a person. I've always wanted to write, put my thoughts down into words because, frankly, I have way too many of them (kinda feel like Dumbledore yeah, this is my Pensieve). And I decided that writing about what I do every day as a student isn't getting me what I really want - the joy of writing everything that I want, about anything that I want. So, here goes, from now on, 'Eh, Wat's Up Doc?' will be my online journal, a collection of my thoughts penned down from whatever touches my heart in that special place.
Lets get over with the round up of the biggest news of the latter part of 2010. M.U.H.S. University Examinations, Second Year, M.B;B.S:
I think they were good. I went through a lot of stress and a few stupid and non-me moments when I doubted myself, and wondered why I was doing what I was, but it all worked out great in the end. Here I am today, having finished the one-month long exam saga, waiting to enjoy a week of holidays before we get back to work again.
I don't want to know what marks I am going to score. For the moment, I am great with the knowledge that I have given it my best shot, and I have done everything I could, to make it all work. If the marks turn out low, well, it's my luck!
I have been watching some favourite movies of mine, the last couple of days. Romantic Comedies....totally relaxing .

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