Monday, October 15, 2012

The Break

Did I take a break? Not really. So, after the exams, I had to complete and send my research project to the ICMR, clean up my room, clean up  the house, get some decent sleep, just get away from studying for a few days. Unfortunately, that did not exactly happen. I couldn't do everything and when time came to get away to Mahabaleshwar for the weekend, I had spent an entire night trying to get my project done and was carrying all my work with me.
It is such a pain the ass to do something like that. I haven't been to Mahabaleshwar in a decade. I was really excited about roaming around there. Having the incomplete project hovering about in my thoughts did help much. Mahabaleshwar was, windy and very friendly. On Saturday, we enjoyed our hotel completely. We were staying at Evershine Keys. Nice hotel :-) lovely food :-) Yesterday, we visited all the "Points" in Mahabaleshwar. My favourite had to be Kate's Point. It overlooked a river...the water was crystal blue, and it reminded of the Pacific Ocean for some reason. The scenery all over Mahabaleshwar is so pretty!! I simply love to places like that, so I've been one happy person over the weekend. Knowing that I have to start studying from today males me cringe, especially after reliving all those wonderful memories of the weekend.
The market in Mahabaleshwar was so inviting!! There were shops after shops of footwear of all kinds, purses, handbags, hats, artificial jewellery and the pride of Mahabaleshwar - Strawberry with Cream :-)) Mom and I went crazy with all that footwear...we bought so many!! Over all, I had a wonderful time.
What makes me relaxed even more today, is that I managed to finish writing my report yesterday night and sent to the ICMR. I was worried that there may be a lotof load on the site (after all, today is the last day of submission). But, sending a report at 2 am in the morning always eases the load a little :-p
My experince with this project has been enriching. It wasn't enjoyable. I remember that initial period. It was all new, the hunting for patients, talking to them, convincing them to take the required tests, interactions with the lab personnel, getting the statistics done, getting my ethics certificate...and the most difficult of the lot, trying to get my Guide to talk to me for a few minutes. Getting into the groove and setting a time table that I could follow was a task. Juggling my studies, exams with the time that went into this was an even bigger ask. I've already given up hope that I'll match my own standards of the last two years. I just want to do well enough to be proud of myself and this year...
Lets see how everything pans out. I hope they accept my report. The four months have been tough and I don't want any more trouble related to this project. Best of luck to me for the next one month :-)

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