Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Against My Will

We fought it out for a week. Whether to fill the preference form for the non-autonomous colleges or not. All I've been saying is " I don't wanna fill it. But who listens to me??!!! Do whatever you guys want..". And they did whatever they wanted. Mom and Dad filled the preference form and today I had to go and stand in the line for 2.5 hrs again, before my turn came. Needless to say, my legs are cramped up and I still feel a lot about what I had to do against my wish. Mom comes up with such scenarios, really. Imagine if you go to Solapur and can't bear the food, you get an upset stomach, the air doesn't agree.........the list just goes on. But isn't this hte very thing about staying away from home....managing yourself when things go offwire. I want to grow out of the child in me, and I know I'll be able to do it if these people just let me go and let go of the thoughts to get me back. I know they love me and really can't see me living away from them. But that is my ultimate dream and they have to accept it. Easier to finish with that now itself.
Luckily, I realised that we'd need 2 forms to apply thru the CET and AIEEE this morning itself, or I'd have to spend another 2 hrs tomorrow. We went shoppong 2 days back, hoping to get me some denims for the future. Got just 2 decent ones out of the entire section!!! Hardly anything there. And why does 26inchs mean 10 different waist sizes??? Any way, have to give my aching legs a warm water bath. At least the job's done. I'll rest at home.

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