Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm IN!!!

Lets make it a plain statement: I got into BJ Medical College and am very proud of myself about it. The admission was done today, but we have to go tomorrow to complete the circulation of our progress reports to the respective departments after having filled in our information. I've been inundated with calls from family and my parents' friends who truly understand the meaning of being the next generation of BJ Alumni.
Grandmom says that I've fulfilled my parents' longest cherished dream: to see their child go into their college in the way they did, and then experience what their parents had felt when they made it into BJ.
Grandpa, to say the least is just short of jumping up and down with joy that cannot be put forth outside his heart in any words. And I'm glad I could give them this joy, because I know, there will be nothing more priceless or precious to them than this. Whether I receive the Noble Prize or the highest honour in the world, there will be nothing more happier for them than this seat, which I have taken as a well-deserving candidate.
As for me, I couldn't stop smiling last evening. Because getting BJ in the first round itself, was totally unexpected and a really unreal surprise. It put an end to everything and every question about my survival in a place unknown, a place which may not have lived upto the standards of my expectations. Now I'm in my own city and although that saddens me on having missed out on the experience of living alone, I can now do everything I'd planned out for myself. I would have been more hurt had those dreams not been realised. So I'm glad that I can go to one of the best colleges there are for the study of Medical Sciences, glad that I was able to fulfil my parents' dream, glad that I really liked the college and wondered what it'd be like to be here and now actually be here, glad that things have suddenly become so smooth and glad that every question has now found an answer.
Today was hectic and very disorganised. They didn't say that we had to have a DD and not cash, they didn't tell us what to do and which booth to go to, the booths were so small and there were so many people. There were so many things to do and two poor pairs of legs that had to do everything. I wish my experience of becoming a BJite was a better one, but now that I think about it, it hardly matters. I've got a good group of friends, and actually life couldn't be better. Forget the aching legs and the tired mind, this achievement is more than that. Its about the pain, tears, migraines, terrifying thoughts and the torturous two months I faced. This definitely seems worth all that.......

PS: I wish India didn't have the reservation system. It pushes us merit-holders down to the level of those who don't really deserve those seats. If there has to be reservation, why can't it be in terms of just a marked reduction in fees. Why put aside half the seats for them and reduce the money? Its my personal experience, and although my parents have convinced me that it doesn't take away anything from my achievement, in the end where it matters the most for me, does.......takes away everything....simply everything..

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