Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Preference Game

Thats actually it. The game of preferences. We went for the counselling which was open to all, at COEP today, simply 'coz there were two seats left in the Department of Metallurgy ( I'm actually quite game to the course now...!!!). The first thing that struck me out there was, a big crowd and oh my god, a hell lot of a crowd. Didn't know what to say, when Mom left me there and went to park the car. I felt so lonely out there really. Not knowing anyhting and back to that Oh-I'm-so-scared thing. Still, managed to reach the place where the admissions were actually going on and all I could say was," Am I getting outta here!" Didn't happen. Mom came and I had a surge of relief flooding into me. But that was just the start of things and confusion and everything really.
She pushed through the crowd to a place where they told us that if we were first timers, we had to get our documents certified and scrutinized. Got the form from a good samaritan student and filled it and went and stood in the line only to know that we had to get a stamp from the college of "Scrutinized". Went back only to get almost squashed in a crowd of angry and absolutely dishevelled parents and their children. Made through that, got the stamp and then went to wait in the line for our numbers to be called out. There actually started the wait. Dad couldn't make it in time with the D.D. so Mom (without a cell) went to get it, leaving me in a crowd of stuffy, foul-smelling guys. Can't imagine how I stood there waiting for a two hours. My cell kept losing range, my parents made no signs of trying to come. Dad called in the middle saying he'd left with the D.D., only to have me yelling at him to stay put since Mom was gonna do that for me and I didn't want further confusion with both of them having lost each other on the road. at my end, the crowd and stuffiness was increasing and no breeze actually made life miserable. My legs hurt, my head spun and I was getting angrier by the minute. The fact that I couldn't see how many seats were left only added to the anger boiling inside me. Surrounded by these noisy parents from all over the place and sweatting to the core, I actually wanted to play the Wimbledon Final of Sunday. Seriously, twas much easier for Rafael Nadal to move around the court running outta his skin to make things work. God, I was exhausted!!!
Nobody to talk to, things just getting more and more rowdy, I almost made up my mind to just forget the entire thing and just go back to cool and soft comfort of my bed. Ten phone calls to my parents ( mom went home to get her cell.), about six cut short due to anger, and they finally arrived.
My dad refused to see my hand waving frantically, bout 30 yards away from him, directly opposite to him. A parent next to me told me to just go and get him, after listening to me screaming down on the cell, for sometime. Mom came then and we stood together in the line, till our chance came and my legs couldn't stand any more. We knew that there were no seats left, but we just went in do that I could sit for sometime, before we walked out having proudly preferred to have waited to go through the entire experience.

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