Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Start of The New Start

We went for the preference form filling on Friday. It was kinda fun......We had to first fill the scrutiny form and then had to go for the first scrutiny where the people checked our originals and whether we had the attested copies, whether there wasn't any discrepency, and finally , whether we had usual certificates or not. I say this because, I did my 10th from an ICSE board. So my 'Statement of Marks' ws different from the rest, who went in for a state board. The two people who were checking our certificates spent almost half of my time of scrutiny, looking at my certificate, because it was sooo different! They said they hadn't this one in ages and that this was the first on that day, which incidently was the first day of counselling. It was funny!!! My mom was like " See, nobody from the ICSE does well, and might not have come to this level either! You're the first!" My turn to swell my chest up and stand tall....( as if I haven't already, a million times since the day the results were out....)
It was quite organised, the whole procedure. After the first scrutiny, we went for the second and after that to get the preference form. Once, you'd done with filling as many preferences as you liked ( max 60 to be given), you had to go to the counter where they looked at the attested xeroxes they'd got, your originals and the preference forms. Once all that had been checked you had to go to the 'Computer Counter' where they took the preference forms and then made you wait for the Datasheet to get printed. Seems really confusing written, but it wasn't. They had a small 'Explanation Session' where they told us all this and then the students had to do all the work. Fun, I'd call it. Mom sat away from me and Dad when we were filling in the preferences because she felt that the 'Unlucky Air' shouldn't reach them. ( she's always doing that!)
I had an 'Angry Young Girl' session, because I didn't want to fill in some choices that my parents gave me, 'coz I'm just not going there. But, my parents rule and I had to give it. 14 choices in all, as its my lucky number. I think I'll get the 7th choice, 'coz the code no.'s got a 14 and its the 7th, which has played an important role in all my career until this day........You might think me crazy, but this is me. I don't believe in Numerology, but I believe in the play of numbers.
Mom had a suggestion to make that apart from me and my friends from class, everyone looked so outta it, that she wondered how I'd stay surrounded by those kinda people for 4 yrs. But I'm used to it now, having had the same experience for the past two years. It actually made me feel special.....different and outta it....I really enjoyed it and still remained the same person that I was. So why not now???
Any way, that choice still has to be made. The list's coming out on the 17th and till then its party time!!!!!

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