Friday, August 1, 2008

The First Day

For a first day in college, today was quite boring. First of all, no one knew what time things were supposed to start and when I reached there at 8 all I could see was 2nd yr students out on their first day of second year. Thankfully, I saw the familiar face of one of my good friends and made it through. We went up and then spent the next half an hour copying the timetable, which was so vast and so confusing, that I actually have no idea of what exactly I've copied down from the notice-boards. By the time I finished, ther were some more of my friends coming in, so we went to the store to buy the Journals and Dissection Sets and Aprons. Our lecture was to be held at 11am so we had a lot of time on hand and all we did was, walk around the entire place talking.
There wasn't much to really see in the people around. The place is full of students from Marathwada and Vidarbha. So it basically swarms of people, I thought I had had enough of in junior college. It's not really their fault that they are the way they are, but I have been brought up in a particular environment, have been taught to have an attitude and be proud to uphold it in every way. I know how I spent the last two years in that junior college, and I can't have myself doing that for the next four years. So I stuck to my own group and a couple of others from Mumbai. I'm here to enjoy and not to make friends. I am social but not to the extreme of over-friendliness. Incidently, the girl I wrote about a couple of posts back, connected more with each other. Which shows that my kind of people need my kind of people.
The Ladies' Room was better than I expected it to be. We had lunch out there and then chilled for a hour an a half before we went to Anatomy Department.
The first thing that struck me was the smell of Formalin. It is seriously concentrated!!!! We were divided into groups of 10 each, with 25 students under one teacher. The rules were laid:
1. Lab Apron essential
2. Dissection Set essential
3. Cunnigham's essential
4. Cell phones have to be switched off
The teacher, Dr. Dipti, a PG student, did not say that she'd be dissecting the dead body, and I thought she implied that we'd be doing it on our own. I'm still praying about it. A dead body to cut in front of me is the only thing that sends chills all over me in a medical college. Wish I had the option. We took a tour of the entire Anat Department and the Patho lab, which incidently, I'm not much of a fan of.
So over all, a big boring day at college. I'm dreading a dead body tomorrow. Couldn't stop thinking about it today, as I sat next to that empty table......

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