Friday, August 15, 2008

Two Weeks and Still Counting

Yeah, can't believe its two weeks.....feels like its been ages since I joined college. Its a tough day, every day, with the lectures from 9 till 11, pracs from 11 to 1 and then Anat dissection and LCD from 2 to 5. At the end of it all, you are just tired and out of breath. Add to that, having to walk a bit, to get a rickshaw to go home.....whew!!! God, its tough!!!!
Apart from the usual stuff, going on, my Haematology pracs were a little different. After a first half-hearted prick, I picked up will out of the deepest depths of me, to prick myself again, and deep. And this time it was actually easy. The first moment when the needle-tip touches your finger, stings, but after that you can appreciate the journey of the needle through the epidermis, to the capillaries in your finger. I did it, and thats just made me even more confident about myself in here. After having drawn as much blood as you can, you have to suck it in, using a pippette. Now thats where I went wrong. Its just like me. To be wrong the first time. And then I got it wrong almost five times. Every time, an air bubble inside the pippette. Seriously, it was maddening. Then, my mom's friend who teaches there came to me, and she asked me," How many times have you pricked yourself?" " Three times, ma'am." " Thats it then. Don't prick any more. Do one thing, practise with water before you move on to blood." And then she moves on to her Head and introduces me as 'Pradeep chi mulgi, geetanjali chi mulgi. Majhya barobarach hoti. 84 chi batch' ( Pradeep's daughter, Geetanjali's daughter. She was with me in BJ. Batch '84). Yeah, right ma'am, thats what I needed. Just when I couldn't do the prac, an introduciton which would insult my parents if they saw me there. I know she was trying to help, and I'm glad she did, 'coz I'd never have done the prac without her......... Thank you ma'am.
Yesterday, we had 'Preceptor Counselling', a session of couselling of a batch of 25 students, with Dr. N G Kulkarni. It was fun. I'm the only person who's into blogging, in the group. So he was impressed. Add to that, he taught both mom and dad, and now he's teaching me!!!! " So you are a literary person?", he summed me up. It was the best time I've had in BJ, including all those moments with my group of friends.
Dissection has just gone from bad to worse. I don't touch the body, but the smell is killing. I just can't bear it at all. In fact, the period from 2 to 5 is the one period I dread the most in the day. And the smell gets worse day by day, as the cadavers decay in logarithmic progression. And if we have LCD before that, I have to first spend an hour in the room next to the dissection hall, where formalin makes my nose lose sensation and eyes water. Only yesterday, I thought I was going to vomit in there as our batch teacher taught us. Wish there was an option....... I knew I'd signed for this, but I didn't think about the INCREASING smell when I did.......Hope the year gets over fast.
And I gave my name for Solo-Singing in the Vedant, and then sang to myself only to realise that I've lost my voice. So now, I'm planning to start training again and then go for it. Thats all there is. Happy 61st Independence Day........

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