Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ah Well, May Be Its Not Done!

The last few days have been more of a I-don't-wanna-go-to-college in the morning and a tired soul in the evening, by the time I came back. yesterday was perhaps the best time I've had with dissection. We had already detached the arm from the torso, so we hardly had anything to really do. We read for the first hour and talked and just sorta wasted time. Then our batch teacher came and he asked us questions for another 15 mins, after which he himself told us to read! So the three of us ( Ekta, Prajakta and I) sat together to do the actions and nerve supply of all the muscles ! It was fun! We were doing it aloud and in a chorus, so we looked like we were singing aloud. People from the other tables were just staring! And the best part of it all is that we managed to get them all rote! So I'm done with all of the most messy parts of Anatomy! We had our snatches of idiosyncrasies of sorts. Ekta asked me what the nerve supply of Supraspinatus was. I said, " Suprascapular." Then she asked, " What about subscapularis?" Prajakta replied, " Thats a mucsle na!" God, we just burst into laughter that shook our entire table.
Those three hours took my entire attention of my ring-finger which was paining from the two pricks I'd taken for the blood smear, in the Physio pracs. Not that I got my blood smear right ( it was just average, but , yeah, I can work with it for the next prac.), I just got two deep prickes, a blue-black segment of my ring-finger and a frown on my face. Why do we have to prick ourselves so many times? Any way, my body's crazy when it come to healing of wounds. It takes ages for it to do so. And now, I've already had about 20 pricks on the ring finger alone, in the same region! The marks haven't even gone! The marks make me even more scared. How can you prick yourself in a region where ther is already a prick, which hurts and oozes blood at times?
Thats what my day had been like, yesterday. I did have a funny doubt. I notice every time I get a prick, my ring finger becomes warm and my little finger becomes excessively cold. The other two fingers and thumb are at normal temperature. My mom was also puzled with the phenomenon. We're still trying to look for a good answer to this problem. Any one know why it is so?

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