Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Day When I'd Studied

Yeah, the day lives up to its name really. I did everything that had to be done about the Humerus ( bone of the arm), and had a lecture in its actual sense today. The feeling of having done all that our batch teacher ( a new one now. A Dr. Kailash) told us, a feeling of revising the stuff, a feeling of 'I'm-not-learning-anything-new'. For the first time I really liked the LCD. And I'm really proud of that fact!
The lectures today were good too. The one cardiac cycle was just so enlightening. And that sir, Dr. Jaltare was extremely good at the topic too! Basically, it was better day than I expected it to be, after having woken up with my left leg paining like anything. Plus, Mom and Dad got their visas for the US, so thats one worry of today gone.
For the prac from 11 to 1, we went to the tuberculosis centre. It was a good trip! We were told and showed all the medicines that patient has to take, according to the category of his disease, plus we were made to see what the bacilli look like under the microscope. They look like thin lines of pink. We call them rod-shaped. The smell in the lab ( of sputem) made me really sick, and what was worse is that all the people out there worked without masks. The lady making the slides wore gloves, but the one checking the slides, was bare-handed! I wonder whether its safe. After all, tuberculosis is an infectious disease, and when you are working in such a centre, you just have to maintain the precautions. You don't wanna have tuberculosis as an occupation-hazard! When, later, in the Ladies' Room, I mentioned this fact aloud, the lady who had taken us on the tour, was found standing just behind me! It was embarrassing, but I really want her to have heard what I said and ,hopefully, do something about it. Thats all there was today. Interesting, that is. Life goes on otherwise in the med-school. Met a school friend of mine after college. I felt more lively than I have ever in the past one month. What they say is true. Friends made in school are friends for life, and nobody can ever take their place!

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