Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Poster I Don't Understand

The past three days haven't exactly been the best I could get, but then life is not always happy and rosy, so I guess, have to accept them and move on. We had to pay some money and submit a form yesterday to the MUHS to register our Eligibilty for the course which started 2 months back. As I start to take more control of my life now on, I also do my work on my own. So that led to having to stand in the scorching sun of 10 am for half an hour in front of the bank, an hour and a half in a double line inside the office which is so small, you wouldn't even notice it if you walked across, and a final hour just inches from the counter. It was madness, to tell the truth. I seriously prefer the AC banks with four different counters doing the same thing. Of course, this time it wasn't my choice and I had to settle for something I would very well have avoided. In a way it was fun but the sweating-as-u-stand definitely didn't work on me. To add on, there was just one small air cool which blew cool air through half of its actual surface area. Yeah, well, its done. Thankfully, by the time I reached the college office to submit the form, there wasn't a line there. That work got over in a like a min and a half!
I felt more satisfied than ever after having done my bit of standing in the line. Two of my friends went away after half an hour and then came back to get stuck in that heat for more time than I did, so it does pay off to listen to your mom's advice people!!!
I'm eagerly awaiting Wednesday, when we will have our US VISA interview. I really want to get that VISA and I really hope it all goes extremely well.
And finally, onto the title of today: We have this poster on the topic 'Intrinsic Muscles of Hand'. There are so many of them , its hard to remember each and every one. And the clinical anatomy just goes on and on and on. Just have to sit with a dictionary by my side for it all. But I'm confident that we'll do well and win the competition.

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