Monday, September 22, 2008

Slums, D'u Call 'Em?

I wouldn't. Not when they have their own television, their own refrigerator, their own music systems, dress decently enough to look like they have a 1BHK home. But it was an interesting experience to walk through the slums for the PSM Pracs today. We visited an Urban Health Centre, and then the slum adjoining it. It has population of 15000 people, and yeah, they all don't exactly have a lot of space to themselves. The hygeinic conditions are more towards the bad side, with water flowing along their doorstep, and the women washing clothes pretty much in your path. But, it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. We even got a few pics with these two school girls and they replied a "Welcome" to all our Thank Yous. So a good trip. It was interesting and quite a change from the scenes of BJ Medical College. We'll be given a family per person later on in our student-career and we have to graph their health and all. Its all an interesting task and I'm looking forward to that challenge. Moving on with describing today, I did dissection!!! After 1 month and 21 days. Not that it was all interesting. I still got as bored as usual. But yeah, i did have comments like, "Pranjali, aaj kya khake aayi ho ki tum dissection kar rahi ho? ( Pranjali, what have you eaten today that you're doing the dissection?)" Thats actually all that was out of usual today....

This a photo of us with the two girls I've talked about. I'm the one, whose yellow top's been seen. This seriously was fun!!

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