Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ha Ha! Not Bad!

The tutotrial turned out to be quite good, except for the writing part. I've hated writing long answers. I mean, you have to start froma place that isn't even mentioned in the question just because you have to write a long answer! But, thats what's required so who can challenge? So, as I've said, I hate writing long answers and yesterday was no different. But, I managed it somehow and got past it all. I still need to repolish my answers a bit, but I guess since it was a first attempt, I'll improve. I'm praying with all my heart that tomorrow's lower extremity submission is on the same lines.
That reminds me, one of the PG students has a project going on where she takes our height, head length ( ant. to post.), the outline of our palms and feet. It was funny when she asked us for that. What kind of a project is that? But it may give some grest results so too early to comment.
My friends think I'm getting too angry now-a-days, at small things. I've always been short-tempered but this seems to be reflecting a little more than usual. Is it college frustration getting to me? Or is it simply something else? Still gotta find that out. But I wonder you know. I mean I don't feel anger and frustration showing in my writing right now. In fact it looks happy and excited about the next challege. Tc Bye!

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