Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cute Puppies

I thought of including this three days back, but didn't remember ( usual me). There are these gorgeous new-born puppies in our parking lot at college. They might just be like three days old ( obviously, today, about a week old). They're damn cute and I wanna include them here too. I took a video too, so here, take a look at those little darlings.
They were sorta shicering in the cold wind that was blowing, and that looked so pathetic, that one of my friends actually wanted to put them in a warm blanket and only then leave.

Aren't they darlings??!!!

Thats the mother. She wasn't really annoyed at seeing us, or at least didn't show it.

I'll get in more pics of them as they grow older. Till then, guess we have to make do with the video!!

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