Thursday, October 2, 2008

Done it!! Go USA!!!

Say Hello To The Newest Tourists Of USA!!!
We got our VISAs and nothing can be compared to the feeling of satisfaction we felt after those ten minutes. Luckily or unluckily depending on your view, almost all the conversation was between the interviewer and Mom. My Bro and I got like two sentences to speak. And that obviously worked in our favour. Those words uttered by that good man will be etched in my memory forever -"So you're all set. Have a safe trip!" I guess even he would have been surprised at the range of smiles those words got on our faces.
The entire trip was great, not just because of the result. We reached the Stars-and-Stripes Lounge at about 11:30 am, after a sicky tour of Mumbai. You kow how Mumbai is, the typical smell of polluted and used air, the stickiness of the stagnant moisture in the air, the sun burning down upon you and giving you the feeling of actually being in a place just short of what hell might be. Mumbaikars love Mumbai, thats when their skins get used to that sticky, gooiy and yucky feeling when they step out of their air-conditioned houses. I hate Mumbai, because I have enough of moisture on my face any way to be handled. I prefer the dry heat, the dry sun burning down on my skin and overall, going to Mumbai just helps me realise how much I love Pune!
Ok, going back to describing the trip, we reached the Stars-and-Stripes Lounge at 11:30am, didn't have to wait outside at all, unlike my parents who had to wait for an hour before they were sent in. There wasn't a better welcome I could think of than the gust of the AC as we went in there. We changed, got washed and refreshed. We then went to the Lounge where we had our share of the breakfast ( twas included in the ticket). Must say, the sandwich was yummy, and then the coffee was my favourite CCD Coffee!!
We waited in the Lounge till our Appointment time was announced and when that was done, we aboarded the Bus which was to take us to the Consulate. Here , well we were subjected to the typical Mumbai hot-n-humid heat as we had to wait in the bus for sometime and then outside the entrance for another half an hour. It was bad, but well, I managed....
When we finally got in, we had a security check. Its the first time that the beeper hasn't beeped as I went through the door. Guess the security lady was surprised too!! I was given a wooden panel the size of a blackboard duster which i had to keep with myself all the time that I was there inside the Consulate. Then, inside the waiting room, we were handed pink slips with our numbers ( according to which we'd have our interviews) and our papers. Having got all that, I had to procede to the fingerprints counter, where fingerprints of both my hands were taken and we submitted our papers.
Then we just sat down waiting for our numbers to be called. The American Accent might have caused problems, but it didn't! Guess too much of television works in my favour sometimes. We had an interview.
The next part of the journey just went in a blur! We came back to the Lounge, got our things and made a headway back to Pune. Overall, it was great, and not just because of the result. The entire system works in our favour and its all really easy to understand. I mean I could easily have done it all myself, and next time I won't really have to be worried about anything. It is all too simple and comfortable.
So thats our VISA trip....can't wait for my next trip to Mumbai which will be to part of Bombay ( had to come out, just never get used to saying "Mumbai"!) I love....The Airport! Look out USA, Here We Come!!!!!

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