Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Aftermath Of The Poster

Thats just happiness at it all being over. We managed it all, only just. But we did it. Saturday was just spent in running up and down the Ladies' Hostel, either trying to make our two representatives learn up their stuff or completing the poster. It was hard, but fun, hectic but great.
At the end of it all, we're just thankful that we've got a bundle of talent in the form of Zinkal Shah, who really transformed our poster into something we never imagined it would be. And we're also thankful to us, wo stuck it out to complete it just 15 mins before the deadline. It wasn't the worst we could've done, so we're all really pleased. And now with a Diwali Break and a trip to the US for me, who cares about what we could've or couldn't have done with the poster.
Seems that our two representatives had a hard time answering the questions bombarded by the judges, and they said that was the case with everyone. So obviously, we didn't win or get a consolation, but I guess that doesn't matter. I still love the poster irrespective of whatever happened or not.
We're now really busy getting ready for the trip. I'm hoping to start studying today, so its a best of luck to me on that.
They are just happiness at it all being over. We managed it all, only just. But we did it. Saturday was just spent in running up and down the Ladies' Hostel, either trying to make our two representatives learn up their stuff or completing the poster. It was hard, but fun, hectic but great.
At the end of it all, we're just thankful that we've got a bundle of talent in the form of Zinkal Shah, who really transformed our poster into something we never imagined it would be. And we're also thankful to us, wo stuck it out to complete it just 15 mins before the deadline. It wasn't the worst we could've done, so we're all really pleased. And now with a Diwali Break and a trip to the US for me, who cares about what we could've or couldn't have done with the poster.
Seems that our two representatives had a hard time answering the questions bombarded by the judges, and they said that was the case with everyone. So obviously, we didn't win or get a consolation, but I guess that doesn't matter. I still love the poster irrespective of whatever happened or not.
We're now really busy getting ready for the trip. I'm hoping to start studying today, so its a best of luck to me on that.

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