Friday, October 10, 2008

Rangolis: Vedant 2008

Hi, during the intercollegiate festival of Vedant, there were these amazing rangolis drawn by the students of colleges participating. Rangolis, for those who don't know, are designs made by spreading powders of different colours the way you want them. So you can make pictures, assymetrical designs, anything. You need to have the knack for it, though. I can't drop that powder to make things work. I'm horrible at rangolis. But these ones were so, so, so pretty, I have to include them. Hopefully the pics will be upright:

A real tribute to Bal Gandharva Tilak. Its really like him!

The caption itself says it all: A tribute to Leonardo da Vinci

People didn't like this much. But I did. The colour combination is great, it really gives substance to the design. And its not easy to make all the people of the same type in this way. The idea's unique!

This is the best out of all. Can you believe thats a rangoli and not a painting?
Nobody had the guts to even move a colour from its place. It was left to
Nature to do it. The rain wore out its simple beauty.

And thats what it is. These are truly beautiful. Putting them on my blog is my way of saying "Well-done" to all those who did them and whom I'll never meet. Kudos guys! I'm looking forward to seeing some more next year!

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