Friday, October 24, 2008

A Different Friday

As the picture suggests, watched Monalisa Smile today. I just love the movie. Not just because it has my favourite actress in it or because of the role she plays, but also because of the strong message that it gives out.
Having been brought up in the 21st century and in a family where my mother is also a professional, I refuse to believe that I could just leave it all to be a housewife, to raise a family, to be there for them. It just sounds crazy and very selfish on the part of the other partner. And thats what Katherine stands for in the movie. The way she trains the young women to make their choice and then the choices they make ( I still wish Joan had gone to Yale, but thats the choice she makes). And lastly, but definitely not the least, the student-teacher relationship between the girls and Katherine. I've always wanted those kind of teachers, teachers who teach by example, who we can look up to and say " Thats my inspiration."
Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, I haven't got one teacher who had all those qualities bundled up together, but a group of teachers who've stood together as that one teacher that every student looks for. Its amazing, but when I look at any one of them, its impossible to see them as THE one, but together, they stand for everything that I've always looked for in a teacher. And films like Monalisa Smile really make all that come alive again. And I'm glad that Katherine decides to leave and not give up her principles, just for a good college to teach in. As Betty says in her last editorial, Katherine Watson was a person who walked on her own principles and did not let go of them even when every one else had left her. And thats what makes her the strong person that she is; the strong people that we all are today and will always stay.

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