Friday, October 17, 2008

The Day Before The Poster Competition

The day before the poster competition and we don't even have a ready poster. As in, we've got the ideas, and the pictures, and the glue, and the ready hands and everything. Separate. Not together. Three of us, bunked dissection by permission, and went to start off. By the time I left, we'd got half the title done, the T.S. drawn and the pictures cut. We have to stick everything tomorrow and write stuff, if the others haven't written it today.
But saying all that, its been fun to work with all the girls. We're the majority in our group and its been quite an experience to make the guys work and be the meddlers in everything. We are really proud of the poster, whatever it might turn out to be, simply because its our work, and we've put a lot into it.
The poster that we had in front of us, did not look as fancy as some of the others are, neither did it have anything that could be called different; but we love it all the same. We started from scratch ( at least I did, with the learning of all the muscles names and stuff), with the information, the pictures, the ideas we had, the ones we dropped, the ones we took to put into action, and basically worked together. I have to say, I have got an amazing group. The rest of my friends have worked in pairs and threes, with the rest of their batch having absolutely no idea of what they were doing. But, I've worked with five other girls, and that worked for us. We didn't bunk entire days of lectures to complete the poster, and even today, we went early simply because I wanted to get out by 5 pm. Our work has been split between us all, and that didn't really put a burden on any one of us. We haven't been greying our hair due to tension, and we definitely haven't been cursing the others. Actually we did, a bit, because of the guys, but after looking at what they did, I guess we're better off with whatever we did ourselves.
So its all down to tomorrow, lets hope Prajakta does well with Harshad for the presentation and our poster goes down well with the teachers. Thats all, really. And obviously excited about tomorrow being the last day of college before Diwali Holidays. Then its the GO USA!!!!

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