Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Now Its the Heart

And whats worse about the removal of the heart is that it comes with all the dried and clotted blood filling it, and that sight makes me SICK, SICK, SICK!!!!!
I just can't stand it. The look of that blood......I've been wanting to puck ever since I saw it yesterday. And one of my friends was busy cleaning all that yucky stuff out of the canals and valves and veins and arteries. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse. Will the dissection hall never stop making me feel this way???
And people from my batch have got indifferent to the formalin and the dead bodies, they actually handle organs without gloves!!! Which just adds on to all my rigmarole inside my mind and throat. Gloves just gotta be there, whether you like it or not. Today, our new batch teacher ( Dr. Y Kulkarni, who proudly handles everything without gloves), taught us the entire heart holding it in his hands. And not one heart, but four different ones! And he gave one of them to a girl next to me, named Zinkal. She wasn't wearing gloves, so she just looked at him for some seconds, before he repeated, " Hold the heart in its anatomical position." She handled the heart without gloves!!!YUCK! Its making me sick even writing about it, but that was what it was. And he got all the hearts dipped in formalin. So I was standing in front of him, with water pouring out of my eyes and my nose running, and my face burning because of the continuous wiping of the tears. It was horrible. All the red nose and red face, the smell, the formalin.....God! Dunno how I came out of that place in almost one piece.
The lectures today were really good. We had Blood Pressure by Dr. Jaltare in physio and Biological Oxidation by Dr. Joshi in Biochem. I really enjoyed them. It was quite interesting. The pracs weren't all that great. Thats the day. I wish dissection was better, but then everyone wishes for something more right??

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