Monday, October 6, 2008

Submission II

And it finally happened. To turn out to be the worst I could expect it to be. I wasn't exactly nervous like last time, with a blanched white face and cold palms; may be thats what was the matter. But then I thought I was more prepared than last time, so I thought it was natural not to get all that worried. Any way, I didn't recognise the Median nerve and totally lost it on action of Brachialis which I said was flexion at shoulder joint instead of elbow joint. I got a 12 and well, I've failed. I'm not too worried about it, 'coz the marks are wrong. I mean, I definitely deserved a 15 at least, so I blame the teacher. Don't have to mention it, but I hate him. Can't stand him at all, thank God our batch teacher changes from tomorrow.
After coming back from college, we went to order the Bathroom tiles and by the time we came back, Mom and I were dead tired. And Mom had to go and see 5 more patients. I really admire the stamina these people have, Mom and Dad. Cudos!
Gotta sleep. One main job done, two to go......and then USA!!!

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