Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Poster + Tea Party

We met quite early today for the poster thing. And we managed to do something at least. It was sort of interesting to work on it, trying to fit in as much as we can, having those suggestions about how to make the muscles out of wool threads. We've finally got together a rough idea of it, and will show it tomorrow before we make the fair and final one.
Since we were in the Ladies' Hostel, I got in a pic of my friend's room and of some interesting bones that another batch has made for their Poster. They've made it out of Plaster Of Paris, and had left it to dry in the common room where we did our work.

Thats the room. I took the pic through the door. Its really small, but not as small as it looks here.

And these are the bones. Quite a work of art, 'coz the students got them all right.

The tea party was great. It started off a little badly, that is boringly for us. We didn't know a lot of people, so it was just us. Then the seniors started with the game of footwaer, where we were given partners and we had to race to get their shoes. Four of us didn't have batch-partners so we had seniors as our partners. Then there was the cross-introduction session whre my partner refused to call me anyting other than "he" and just did not know what orangutan was. And he added that I just wasn't helpful ( which got a lot of oohhhhsss n aaahhhsss from the crowd)!!! We then played passing the parcel with an egg. The person who got out was given a dare. I got one to enact a scene of eloping with my boyfriend, and we had to include everything from where, when, how, what of the journey. It was fun....We spent about 4 hrs....An interesting time, and we liked the seniors for once....

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