Monday, October 13, 2008

Lungs Out Today!!!

It was actually sickening to watch the lungs been taken out....I wonder what the people who did it would have felt while doing it.....All the formalin spilling out, our eyes burning because of it, the spongy soft lungs that seemed like they'd collapse any minute.....It was sick!!! And my face probably said it all. One of the guys on my table continuously taunted me to do the job of taking the lungs out, after looking at my face.
They looked all black and dirty, hardly like the beautiful spongy pink things we're made to believe they are. I couldn't believe it last week that what I was looking at was lungs, and today, it ws just way beyond trying to believe. We were actually standing all the time and by the end of three hours, my feet ached of standing, and my head and eyes of formalin. You see, the lungs are all filled with formalin. When you take them out, you are actually taking a bucketful of formalin out. Imagine what a bucket of formalin can do to our eyes, if small drops and the smell bring tears and burn our eyes to the core.
I haven't touched the lungs yet. I dunno, but my aesthetic sense ( which is suddenly very well-developed in the dissection hall) hardly lets me raise my finger to it. Even last week, the feeling of the softness of lungs was done by me with a forceps. God save me and the lungs! Thank Him today's torture is over!!

One of my friends feeling the lungs. Strange, but I guess she liked it.

Thats my friend and table-mate Ekta with the right lung that we ( without me) pulled out.

Thats the two lungs from our cadaver. They hardly look as dangerous as they did LIVE.

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