Saturday, October 11, 2008

Poster Time!

I went to the Ladies' Hostel today for the Poster which we have to submit by Sat, and the rough work of which, we have to give in on Monday. It was the first time I've seen the Ladies' Hostel. The rooms are really small! And there are three girls in each. So its three beds cramed in together along with a study table and a common cupboard. Really thankful, I'm not staying in a hostel.
We've decided to do all the bones through thermacol, and I thought I'd do it, so I took up the job. I had to use a blade and I knew I had to be careful, but you know me. I've cut my index finger. It isn't exactly paining, but am I angry with myself!! I can't even type properly. The blade was in the dissection box, but hopefully it wasn't infected, 'coz, its been covered. I've got pics of my finger. They're not exactly clear, but I guess it'll do to tell what has been done by me. I'm so, so, so careless and clumsy!!

There you go. Now with a spotted ring finger, I have to handle a bleeding index finger. :((

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